Project 5: Pentatonic Melody

Task: Write three short contrasting pentatonic melodic shapes designed as vocal lines (without using words at this stage) for either a male or female voice. Use dynamics, tempo and rhythmic interest to make them a contrasting group of solos. As you’re exploring the shape of the melody, you don’t need to use bar lines.

I found it hard to find the motivation to do this particular project having just completed the development of Wild Dance in Assignment 1; by comparison this seemed a bit of a step back in the complexity expected from the task. I’m still not entirely happy by these, although I will leave them as they are for now. My main grudge with them is that I struggled to make them contrasting enough for them to be easily told apart. The variation between the different pentatonic scales provided for this exercise is subtle, but could be used in interesting ways. I tried to combine these in Melody 3 by varying the middle section to include the secondary form.

1. Pentatonic Melody #1

1. Pentatonic Melody #2

1. Pentatonic Melody #3